In Conversation With… Surrey Writes

I was very honoured to be invited to join Chiara Fumanti recently on her new podcast “Surrey Writes”, created as part of the Surrey New Writers Festival. In the show, we discussed our writing processes, careers, and our time at the University of Surrey. Enjoy!

Rivendell LEGO Set Revealed

For anyone interested in LEGO and collectables, I currently work at iDisplayit to promote their display cases. The below blog may interest anyone looking at the new Lord of the Rings set! In January’s Lord of the Rings Brickheadz blog, we discussed the rumours circulating that LEGO were working on a 6,000-strong LEGO brick setContinue reading “Rivendell LEGO Set Revealed”

Taking A Look at the LEGO Motorised Lighthouse

For anyone interested in LEGO and collectables, I recently started working at iDisplayit to promote their display cases. The below blog may interest anyone looking at the new LEGO Motorised Lighthouse set! Here at iDisplayit, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on the new LEGO Motorised Lighthouse (21335) after seeing the model develop fromContinue reading “Taking A Look at the LEGO Motorised Lighthouse”

More Music to Write By

Originally posted on Surrey New Writers Festival:
For my last blog I highlighted (for many of us) the importance of background music when writing or undertaking creative pursuits. And not just any kind of music – Music To Write By. For me, this always means the same thing: classical scores, soft piano music and film…

A Slight Re-write…

Hi all, just a quick update to let you know about a few changes to the blog. Originally, this was set up as Prog.Gaming, exploring my favorite subgenre in the gaming world. However, as many of you know, I also hold ambitions of becoming a published (or self-published) author one day and that my firstContinue reading “A Slight Re-write…”